Thursday, August 14, 2008

Movin' On

So I was listening to the song “Movin’ On” by Needtobreathe and it reminded me of last night…

For those of you who weren’t there (which would be few, since everyone who reads my blog goes), last night was our final “official” time in youth group. Triple J made us cry with videos and memories, but it was still an amazing night. Just to see how far each of us have come and now to the point that were all leaving for college is incredible. I’m so proud of all of us, and I cannot wait to see how God uses us while we are away (or here) at college.

Some of us are going far away (Tori, Jessica and I) and some are going close (Alex, Kaydee, and Alyson), but no matter where we are this next week is bringing HUGE changes in our lives. We are finally realizing what it means to grow up, move out, and take on responsibilities. Kinda scary, or at least for me. I feel that I’m leaving everything behind and starting a whole new life, (which I guess I am), and I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I don’t want to leave my family, my friends, or my boyfriend. I don’t want to leave my church. But see, the key phrase there is I don’t want. God will help me adjust to the changes, and I just have to rely on Him when things are tough, and be confident that He will comfort me.

I officially leave Thursday night, and go to orientation allllll day Friday (Alex’s birthday) [SORRY! I LOVE YOU!] Then school starts on Monday. Blah. But I know this is the time to remember, and that it will be fun.

“Wise decisions aren’t always popular, but they’re always right”


Jayseekaaa said...

Good blog Mel! Last night was crazy. Tough and different times lie before all of us. But every single one of us has strong faith and thats all we need to get through it. Ily!

Robin said...

I would wish you good luck, but that seems kind of pointless when I know you've already got God with ya :)

You're gonna do amazing in Gville!! :)

uthpastorjj said...

Wow, thanks, and thanks for the comment on my blog. I love that quote..."Wise decisions aren't always popular, but they are always right."

Remember that.

And carry your flame to Gville.

Joseph Poirier said...

I know its crazy that everything is changing so fast i can remember when you were a wee little one playing at the soccer fields. okay i lied i don't remember that my mom does though :). but the cool thing about all this change is you get to see you faith in action you have to Go WAY out on faith to be-able to make it where you are and its amazing to see how well you are doing. I was privilege to be the one who moved you up to G-Ville and it was an exciting time it was also a sad time because I in the back in my mind i had to come to the truth that my love wasn't going to be here anymore i would have to drive 2 hour to be able to see her. But deep down in side i was okay with it because i know that We have faith and that God will take care of you know matter where you are in this world.

Well Babe i am super proud of you and i think you have come so fare over the past year that its awesome i am here for you an i am your Closest Friend and Hardest prayer I love You BABE!