I was listening to the song "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath and it started me thinking about a lot of things...
God cares about
each and every one of us. He knows EVERYTHING that is going on in each of our lives...even down to the tiniest details. As I'm sure we all have heard and know, that God has every hair on our head counted (Matthew 10:30). How cool is that? Watching the music video to this song just made me realize how many people pass by me or I pass by them, and we don't even share eye contact. How many of us would go up to a complete stranger that is crying and just show them compassion? Or what if it
IS someone we know, but either isn't our friend or could be our enemy?
Triple J's message on Tuesday night discussed loving your enemies. The Bible says that of course it is easy to love your friends; even sinners do that. But loving your enemies is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. It might be an easy concept to grasp, but a hard one to put in place in our lives. Love your enemies? Well why would you want to love people who hurt you?
Because God loves us each and every day, even though we hurt Him over and over again with our sin. God showed mercy on us, that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us". (Romans 5:8) Wow. That is amazing. And we are blessed that God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). The lyrics to the chorus and one verse of the song are here below in case you don't know the song or just want to read it. It just makes us more aware that we need to have compassion on others just as God has compassion on us. We need to care more, love more, trust more.
Give me your eyes for just one second Give me your eyes so I can seeEverything that I keep missingGive me your love for humanityGive me your arms for the broken hearted The ones that are far beyond my reachGive me you heart for the ones forgottenGive me your eyes so I can seeI’ve been here a million times A couple of million eyesJust move and pass me byI swear I never thought that I was wrongI need a second glanceGive me a second chanceTo see the way you’ve seen the people all along